November Board Meeting

During the last Board of Directors Meeting on 10/28 the Board was unable to finalize the 2021 Budget Forecast and has tabled it to be brought up in another Board Meeting which has been scheduled for November 7, 2020 at 6:00 PM. We will also be discussing a plan to reopen the Fitness Room for those of you chomping at the bit to get back in for you workout routines.

For those of you that did not join in on the last Zoom meeting, the Board adopted the Election Rules and new Rule and Fine Policy that was sent out to everyone back in March of this year. A special notice will be mailed to all members to inform of the Board’s decision to adopt these new rules and policies. Once that mailer is ready to go out, the new rule packets will be available on the website and owner portal for anyone curious enough to read them.

CLICK HERE for the 11/7 meeting agenda with Zoom meeting details.